Comprehensive HIPAA Training

Training is important, but it’s not all that is required to be compliant.

Most companies charge people simply for employee HIPAA training when training is not enough for your organization to be HIPAA compliant. HIPAA compliance also requires organizations to conduct annual self-audits, implement remediation plans, have written policies and procedures, have signed business associate agreements, and implement incident management.

Client Audit
Pass Rate

Of Businesses Trust
Compliancy Group

Years in
the Industry

Comprehensive HIPAA Training

The software includes comprehensive annual training for your entire staff. It also stores and tracks the training, making it easily accessible.

Some inherent challenges of training come with managing who’s been trained, when they were trained, and how to track and prove that they truly understood the training they received.

The Guard has built-in reporting that tracks each employee’s training, as well as their attestation to their training. It also records their completion status and date, ensuring that your staff will always be up-to-date.

Employee Awareness Training

Employee training is integral to the success of your compliance program.

Using a HIPAA software solution, all employee HIPAA and cybersecurity training is managed and tracked in one convenient location. HIPAA compliance software also stores all employee training attestations and sends reminders when it’s time for employees to receive their annual training.

Cybersecurity Best Practices Training

To prevent breaches from occurring, it is important that your employees are trained on cybersecurity best practices.

This includes using strong passwords, not sharing login credentials, how to recognize a phishing email, etc. Compliancy Group’s HIPAA IT training provides employees with useful tips on how to keep your organization’s information safe.

Why HIPAA Training is Not Enough

While using free or paid training is a good start, there are many important aspects of HIPAA that online training courses cannot cover. This is the training material that is specific to your organization. Part of HIPAA annual training requirements highlight the necessity to train your employees on your organization’s internal privacy and security policies and procedures. As each organization is required to have unique HIPAA policies and procedures to meet their specific needs, free HIPAA training cannot feasibly offer this.

As part of Compliancy Group’s total HIPAA compliance solution, clients are provided with all of the training materials required by HIPAA, including training on your organization’s HIPAA policies and procedures (custom HIPAA policies and procedures are also part of our package!).

Our HIPAA training software allows administrators to oversee their staff training by enabling progress tracking for each employee. At the end of each HIPAA training module, employees’ knowledge is tested through a series of questions. Proof of each employees’ completed training is stored in our HIPAA training software, with their legal attestations that they understand and agree to adhere to the training material.

HIPAA is Easier With Coaching

Learn how our easy to use software and Compliance Coach support helps you achieve HIPAA compliance.

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